The Santya Method
Lemurian Crystal Healing

Humanity is currently experiencing a shift in consciousness. Our journey involves a shift from the third to the fifth dimension.

To successfully complete this shift, we depend on individuals to address their feelings, past patterns, and previous karma.

The Santya Method is designed to assist you and your client in achieving that. The Santya Method is a 21st-century healing technique, and has its focus on helping as many people as we can to take the steps needed to go through the shift in a good way.

Our energetic system as humans is always evolving, expanding to facilitate greater consciousness and active engagement in the journey of shifting awareness.

With the Santya Method, you can explore and expand your self-awareness and unique journey. and help others on their path.

In 2006, the Santya Method was brought to Earth for the first time.

It was used by a few healers in Norway during those years.

The method has been upgraded today, aligning the frequencies with the current consciousness shift among humans on Earth.

Through channeling, we have been guided to incorporate crystal work like in the times of Lemuria. Maryanne Berg-Hansen, the channel for this method, possesses clear memories of her personal experiences as a Lemurian Crystal Healer. To learn more about Maryanne, click here.

The method's focus remains on the meeting point between humans and other spheres, even with the introduction of new elements. Our beautiful crystals are our energetic tools, and our connection to the Santya Field with its powerful energies is leading us in our work.

Santya healing is a form of spiritual healing that activates the body's natural healing abilities. The frequencies utilized function across multiple dimensions, always aligning with the client's highest good and working in harmony with their soul.

Every year, the Santya School in Norway is consecrating new Santya healers. They engage in a two year-long process, and some are going on to become Santya Masters.

Take a look at the next page to discover the opportunity to work with this incredible energy.

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"Five 'must have' Crystal for your journey to the fifth dimension"

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